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1) ספר תורה Le'ilui Nishhmas Danny Verdoner ZL
3 weeks ago, our dear friend Danny Verdoner passed away. This was a tremendous shock and caused much sorrow to all of the Kehilloh members. The Kehilloh members at present and those who have moved to other places in the country all came to the Levayoh on מוצאי שבת לך לך. Harav Neimann (Rav of the Ramot neighborhood) spoke first, followed by Moreinu Harav Gans Shlito, then Harav Hamburger spoke, Harav De-Hass, and last spoke Danny's brother, Eddo Verdoner. The Hespeidim given by Rav Gans and Rav Hamburger (in Hebrew) can be seen in our forum at this link.
Danny's family is arranging a ספר תורה to be written by Harav Don Ison Le'ilui Nishmas Danny ZL, which will be used in KAYJ, and will be a continuation to Danny's life, which was dedicated to תורה and מסורה.
2) "Nusach of the Netherlands" project in appreciation of Danny Verdoner ZL
Danny ZL cared very much about the Dutch minhogim and melodies, and many of the Dutch melodies were brought in to KAYJ with his help. In order to appreciate this, and to set aside the many Dutch melodies which were brought into KAYJ, we decided to open a separate section in the Nusach Project called "Nusach of the Netherlands", in which all of the Dutch melodies sung in KAYJ will be found together.
This is a reminder to anyone who took upon himself to learn משניות, to finish by the 11th of Kislev.
3) KAYJ set to mark ninth Anniversary on Parashas Vayishlach
On a more uplifting note - in two weeks time, Shabbos Parashas Vayishlach (16th of Kislev, Dec. 13) will mark the 9th year anniversary of KAYJ. Rav Binyomin Shlomo Hamburger will attend this very special Shabbos in Jerusalem, and will speak and be available for questions and comments. Rav Hamburger in the past has expressed his strong support for KAYJ and has called it one of the greatest successes in the modern-day restoration of Minhag Ashkenaz.
4) Kehillo anouncements:
Mazel tov to R' Kalman Rosen on the engagement of his daughter.
Mazel tov to R' Moshe Yehudoh Rosenwasser on the birth of his granddaughter.
יישוב טוב to R' Chayim Shmueli, who just moved to his new house in Ramat Ungwar.
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On Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecho, י חשון תשס"ט, the 8th of November 2008, our dear friend and member Danny Verdoner passed away.
This was a tremendous shock for his family and Kehilloh, who gathered to the Levayoh which was held on Motzoei Shabbos and went to הר המנוחות in Jerusalem.
Beneath are links to some of the הספדים which were said (in Hebrew).
Harav Gans Shlito, at the Levayoh
Harav Hamburger, at the Levayoh
Harav Gans Shlito, after the Shivoh
Harav Gans Shlito also wrote a nusach of יזכור, which is said every Shabbos at KAYJ.
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1) We will be very happy to receive visitors to Jerusalem at our חול המועד minyonim
Shacharis is at 7:15 (Boruch She'omar is approx. at 7:25). On הושענא רבה Shacharis is at 7:00.
Mincho is at 4:45 followed by a shiur (the list of speakers appears in our site at
Ma'ariv is after the shiur.
Our timetable can be seen in our site in, direct link:
The location is 73 Nof Ramot. Please call 052-761-1890 for directions.
2) We are pleased to advise our friends of progress with our plan to set up our shul and center here in Ramot – Jerusalem
We have now received final planning permission for the building and donations of over $220,000 have been received toward the costs – including a preliminary grant from the Jerusalem municipality. A delegation from KAYJ will be going to London after שמחת תורה to raise further funds. We plan to start with the actual building immediately IYH.
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Dear Friend,
On behalf of the members of K'hal Adas Yeshurun-Jerusalem, we wish you a כתיבה וחתימה טובה. May we all be inscribed for a good 5769, for each of us individually as well as Klal Yisroel as a whole.
As this year comes to an end we would like to acknowledge the siyata d'shmaya we have received during the past year. Firstly the appointment of our first Rov, HaRav Yehuda Gans, shlit'o, as leader of our nascent kehilla: the appointment of Rav Gans has helped solidify the base and commitment of our mispallelim. Rav Gans' shiurim have a growing following and his weekly parsho shiurim are emailed out to many of our supporters (and can be found on the forum). Our Ashkenaz discussion forum ( was set up to bring together people, halocho and minhogim, and logged over 600 postings and 15,000 views this year. We have recently added a new forum called "Memoirs", which brings stories from Kehillous in the past. The fascinating talk about Frankfurt given by Mr. Willie Neuberger z'l is posted there, and so are the classic memoirs of Mr. Hermann Schwab z'l. We look forward to adding further memoirs.
Two new communities (K'hal Adas Yeshurun-Beitar and Kehillas Ashkenaz of Baltimore) that were co-founded by former members of KAYJ, continue to thrive. Other ventures have also been initiated to form Ashkenaz kehillous and who IYH will receive support from KAYJ in setting up botei tefiloh nusach Ashkenaz using the nusach project which now has over 200 recordings of German nusach and tunes for tefiloh.
Over recent months the kehillo has welcomed a number of families from abroad who have chosen to make Ramot and KAYJ their home and look forward to extending this welcome to others.
Once again, a כתיבה וחתימה טובה from KAYJ,
Yeshayohu Schneller and Michael Friedman
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