Mailing List and Newsletter Archive
Hundreds of people around the world who are interested in their heritage receive our newsletters and updates.
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1. KAYJ marks 10 years of תורה and Mesouroh
Boruch Shehecheyonu, v'kiyemonu v'higionu lazman hazaeh. Parashas Vayishlach 5770 marked the tenth anniversary since the establishment of KAYJ in Ramot Yerushalayim, and was celebrated with a festive davening with a packed shul of mispallelim. Our Rov, HaRav Yehuda Gans שליט"א addressed the Tzibbur on the importance of the number "ten" in machshevas Yisrael (Jewish thought), and a Sheves Achim-Oneg was held with the Rov after Seudas Leil Shabbos.
2. A Melave Malkoh is planned on Moutzoei Shabbos Parshas Mikeitz, as a fundraiser for KAYJ's Beis Ashkenaz synagogue building program, which will be a center of practice and preservation of Ashkenazic halachic, historical and musical traditions. More details will be announced soon.
We are going to put out a booklet for the occasion. Sponsorships are welcome!
3. We will be very happy to welcome visitors to Jerusalem on Chanukoh - please join us for Davening: Shacharis is at 7:00 and Ma'ariv (Chanukoh candle lighting) is at 17:45. The location is 73 Nof Ramot (Wallenstein) - please call 052-761-1890 for directions. The shul timetable can be found at
4. Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Michael Friedman on the birth of their daughter
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Michoel Boruch Kernberg on the birth of his granddaughter.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Yishai Lesser on the birth of their son.
Mazel Tov to R’ and Mrs. Yosef Shlomo Meir, on the birth of their son.
Mazel Tov also to the grandparents, R’ and Mrs. Binyomin Shlomo Hamburger.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Yosef Prager on the wedding of their son.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Yeshayahu Schneller on the engagement of their daughter.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Avrohom Hilel Sinison on the birth of his grandson.
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Dear Friend:
1) As the New Year 5770 begins we’d like to reflect on the growth and strength of our beloved kehilloh.
Led by Rav Yehuda Gans, shlita, we have approx. 60 member families in our Ramot-Yerushalayim location. His popular shiurim ranging from halocho to chumosh and to hashkofo, have earned him the respect of fellow neighborhood rabbonim and the כבוד from the shul members. It is not rare for many of our neighbors to come to a shiur and through that experience come to appreciate the rich Masoures Ashkenaz. (Some of the shiurim have been typed, and can be seen at this link)
Increasingly, bnei Ashkenaz visitors from chutz lo’oretz seek out our kehilloh for its warmth, rei’us and beautiful tefiloh. We have an open Shabbos invitation to any of our friends, as well as yeshivoh bochurim or seminary girls.
B’H our plans to build Beis Ashkenaz are alive. We are hoping to put together an initial package of $600,000 based on public and private funding to build the first stage. At this time, we are asking our friends to become supporting members for $1000. This payment benefits this important cause, and purchases your own seat on our new sanctuary. Join us as we build for the future on the highest hill in Yerushalayim! (A credit card form can be found at this link, see list of donors at this link).
Our influence has also spread to the corners of the globe. Our e-mail list goes out from Australia to Mexico. The forum participants hail from many different countries. We have about 400 topics and over 1300 posts. It is a thriving, happening site with an average of 20 new posts weekly. The measure of success lay not, of course, in numbers but rather in the lives we are effecting by connecting people more meaningfully with Avoudas Hashem. The Nusach project gets many hits, and we are hoping to start adding more recordings within the coming month.
2) In general Ashkenaz news, Rav Binyomin Shlomo Hamburger of Machon Moreshes Ashkenaz will be visiting the East Coast of the United States, IYH, in early January 2010. As of now he is planning to spend Shabbos parashas שמות, Jan 8-9, in Baltimore at Kehillas Ashkenaz (founded and run by a KAYJ member - Alexander Weil) and parashas וארא at Riverdale Jewish Center. There are still a few spots available for Rav Hamburger to appear during that time, but his stay is limited.
If you have any ideas where he could speak in the Mid-Atlantic or Tri-State area or would simply like to be updated on the itinerary, please contact (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]. Drivers, hosts and local organizers will also be needed so please come forward
Remember, we are your “home away from home” when you come to Eretz Yisroel and genuinely want to welcome you!
B’virkas חתימה טובה,
The Gabboim
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Rav Hamburger's Visit to England
HoRav Binyomin S. Hamburger, head of Machon Moreshes Ashkenaz and author of Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz, recently visited London and delivered several shiurim.
Please click here for the shiur given in Torah way, about the topic "La'Omer or Ba'Omer".
Please click here, for the shiur given in the GGBH.
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1. KAYJ in Petach Tikva
At the invitation of the אהל אברהם synagogue in the Ganei Haddar community of Petach Tikva, R. Michael Friedman will be davening for the Omud for Kabbolas Shabbos/Ma'ariv, on parashas Behar-Bechukousai. Fri. May 15th. This is part of an effort led by that shul's gabbai, R. Feinhandler, who is of yekkish descent and enjoyed a Shabbos at KAYJ, to introduce many new melodies to the eager mispallelim.
Details are as follows
אהל אברהם Shul
1 Kehilous Ya'akov Street
Petach Tikva
Mincho time is 7:04 p.m. followed by Kabbolas Shabbos and Ma'ariv
2. Rav Hamburger visits England
HoRav Binyomin S. Hamburger, head of Machon Moreshes Ashkenaz and author of Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz, is currently visiting London for his nephew's wedding. He will be speaking on Sunday 17th of May, at "Torah Way" between 9.20-9.50 am, (for more information see, and in the GGBH at 8:30 pm (there he will talk about the "Imbalance in Contemporary Halacha Observance”).
Rav Hamburger arrived on Monday this week in England, and will be leaving on Monday next week (18th of May). He is staying in Stamford Hill, and on Shabbos he will be in Golders Green. He can be reached at 0208-800-5121.
3. Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Moshe Rosenwasser on the birth of a grandson.
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Chayim Shmueli in the birth of their first great grandson.
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Boruch Heinemann for bringing a wimpel to shul.
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Moshe Fleishman for bringing a wimpel to shul.
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Alexander Weil on the birth of their daughter.
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