Aliyos of Parashas Tetzaveh

06 אוג 2008 23:54 #514 מאת Melech
Aliyos of Parashas Tetzaveh נוצר על ידי Melech
I saw that the Luach Minhogim has the Kohen on Shabbos Mincha of Parashas Tetzaveh reading until "לכבוד ולתפארת", which is only two pesukim after a parasha. The Gemara is so concerned to avoid beginning or ending an aliya within three pesukim of a parasha that it brings one opinion (that of Shmuel) that when the kriy'ah doesn't have enough pesukim, one may split a passuk into two to avoid beginning oending an aliya within two pesukim of a parasha. Furthermore, although the Magen Avraham (138) holds that it is OK to do so when there is a פסקא באמצע פסוק, we seem to be so concerned with this halachah that we read a number of otherwise extra pesukim at the beginning of Parashas Pinchos to avoid getting into a sh'eloh. So why does the minhag bring down to have the kohen end and the Levi start within two pesukim of a parasha when it comes to the Leining of the beginning of Parashas Tetzaveh?


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07 אוג 2008 01:40 #515 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Aliyos of Parashas Tetzaveh
This minhag is brougt in Divrei Kehillos pg 417, and he sends to the Mogein Avrohom (Siman קלח seif koton ב) who says:
The Or Zorua Paskens that since the reason we usually don't let an aliyoh start two Psukim after a parsha Psucho or Sesumoh is so people don't think the aliyoh started at the Psucho or Sesumoh and that you can make an aliyoh shorter than 3 psukim, therefore the Cohen can finish two psukim after a Psucho or Sesumoh, because everyone knows he started from the beginning of Parshas Hashovu'a.
And the Mogein Avrohom concludes that this is why in the old Sidurim it says that the Cohen at Parshas Tetzaveh stops just after the Parsha, and today people are trying to change it and they are doing a mistake by changing it.


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