Gathering and kissing tzitziyos during Boruch She'omar?

03 יונ 2009 13:25 #1050 מאת Altgold
What is the Ashkenazic custom regarding the gathering of tzitziyos during this prayer and kissing them once completed?


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05 יונ 2009 16:02 #1054 מאת Michael
Two Tzitziyos are held, and at the end of the Brocho they are kissed.

Michael FRBSH

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05 אוג 2009 01:22 #1207 מאת MPerlman

Michael wrote: Two Tzitziyos are held, and at the end of the Brocho they are kissed.

Where is the source for this custom? I was taught it in a Cheder (34 years ago) by a Rebbi who was a Breslover Chassid. I discontinued the practice when I noticed that my Litvishe Rebbeim did not do it.


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07 אוג 2009 18:17 #1224 מאת Michael
The source is from the Ari Z'l. It was accepted in Ashkenaz.

Michael FRBSH

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