Wearing Tefillin on Chol haMoed / Minhag Frankfurt

22 Apr 2008 18:31 #264 by Felix
I would like to know what is/was the minhag of Frankfurt regarding wearing of Tefillin on chol hamoed?

Thank You!


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22 Apr 2008 18:56 - 16 Oct 2017 23:01 #265 by Michael
The book Divrei Kehillos (pg 329) brings that on Chol Hamo'ed Tefillin were put for Shacharis, but the Berocho was said silently and not out loud (unlike every day that the Brocho was said out loud by the chazzan).
The Kohol took the Tefillin off after chazoras HaShatz, and the chazzan after his silent Shmone-esre.
In the past (the time of the Rishonim) the tefillin were kept on also during Musaf.
In a shul that doesn't put on Tefillin - it is a problem of "Lo Sisgodedu" to put on Tefillin, (therefore in Eretz Yisro'el - those who keep the minhag to put on Tefillin on Chol Hamo'ed - usually do so at home).


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23 Apr 2008 00:53 - 15 Oct 2017 14:45 #267 by Melech
A few questions:

Was there an hakpodoh in Germany to at least keep the tefillin on for קריאת התורה on the day of leining קדש לי?

What is the proper procedure in Eretz Yisroel for tefillin on Chol Hamoed? Should the tefillin be put on at home before davening with kriy'as shema said in them? Should they be put on afterwards? May thay be put on בצנעא and worn during the davening covered with a sleeve or hat? What is the minhag in KAYJ?


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23 Apr 2008 02:52 - 16 Oct 2017 23:01 #268 by Michael
In Divrei Kehillos (pg 432) it is brought that generally in Chol Hamo'ed Pesach some took the Tefillin off just before Musaf (unlike Sukkos). Their reason may have been because of the Keri'oh of Kadesh Li.
There were places that only on the day of Kadesh Li the Tefillin were worn until after Kri'as Hatorah, but this is quite a recent minhag.

Michael FRBSH

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24 Apr 2008 15:29 #280 by Michael
In KAYJ we do not put on Tefillin in Chol Hamo'ed, according to the Psak we got from Rav Elyashiv Shlita. In Bnei Brak they put on Tefillin, according to the Psak they received.


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05 Oct 2009 15:39 #1442 by Felix
Good Morning,

When is the proper time to take the tefillin off? After the silent Amidah? Before Hallel? Or even after the Kriah?

Thank You


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05 Oct 2009 16:12 #1443 by Michael
The old Minhag was to keep the Tefillin on while Davening Musaf too. Later when people started taking off Tefillin for Musaf, there were different times this was done.

Michael FRBSH

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15 Mar 2010 19:37 - 16 Oct 2017 22:52 #1677 by GBaum
I live in Israel. Do I put on Tefillin on Chol Hamoed? If yes, do I say the Brachot and when do I take it off? If the Shul I go to does not put tefillin on, do I put Tefillin on in private?


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21 Mar 2010 03:35 - 16 Oct 2017 22:58 #1684 by Michael
If you go to a shul that does not put on Tefillin, you put on at home. In FFAM one put on the Tefillin on Chol Hamo'ed with a Brocho, so since you are from FFAM (as you mentioned in this posting ) you say a Brocho in EY too.

Michael FRBSH

Regarding the question when to take off, and what is done in MA shuls, see above.

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21 Mar 2010 21:49 #1689 by GBaum
You said you do not put it on in your synagogue as you have such a ruling from Rav Eliyashiv. Can I not follow his ruling?


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21 Mar 2010 21:53 #1690 by Michael
The ruling is for our shul. In our shul we don't put on Tefillin. If you happen to be in the Bnei Brak shul they do put on Tefillin, and you can definitely do so there. If you are in a shul where no one puts on Tefillin, in such a case you shouldn't put on Tefillin even according to the Psak given to Bnei Brak. Therefore in our shul no one puts on Tefillin befarhesia.


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21 Mar 2010 22:15 #1691 by GBaum
Do I still put on tefillin in private if I go to a synagogue that does not put it on?


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21 Mar 2010 22:16 #1692 by Michael
Yes. In private there is no reason not to do the minhag of your parents with tefillin. In public there could be a problem of Lo Tisgodedu.


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25 Mar 2010 00:12 #1693 by MPerlman
Wearing Tefillin is a Mitzvah Mid'oraisa. The question is whether this mitzvah applies also on Chol HaMoed (henceforth referred to as ChH). The Ramo (O"Ch 31:2) rules that one is obligated to don Tefillin on ChH. And so was the custom in all of Europe, for those following Minhag Ashkenaz, Minhag Polin, Minhag Ostreich, Minhag Lita, etc.
The Chassidim stopped wearing them for Kabbalistic reasons. Rav Leibele Eiger zt"l, a Chassidic Rebbe, stopped donning them but began again after he was rebuked for his behaviour by his grandfather Rav Akiva Eiger zt"l. Likewise, the Vilna Gaon ruled that one should not don them on ChH.
If one is in doubt as to what he should do, like any doubt regarding a Biblical commandment, one should put them on because of safeik d'oraisa l'chumrah. Only if one is sure that there is no mitzvah to don them on ChH, may one refrain from donning them.
Because the Sefaradim, who do not don Tefillin on ChH, were the predominant population when Eretz Yisroel began to be resettled in the modern era, all immigrants did not put on Tefillin in shul on ChH. However, many Rabbonim continued to do so in private. Rav Shach zt"l, who also put them on in private, mentioned to his talmidim that they should follow the Ramo as in everything else. Moreover, he remarked that even in Vilna, like the rest of Lithuania, everyone donned Tefillin with a Bracha on ChH. In Vilna, he said, in deference to the Vilna Gaon, they would put Tefillin on but would only recite the first blessing (which was the Vilna Gaon's custom all year). Many great Rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel today put on Tefillin on ChH in private. And at least one, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah in Eretz Yisroel, has a minyan of Tefillin wearers on ChH.
Because of the influx of Ashkenazic immigrants over the decades, the adage "Minhag Eretz Yisroel" has become inaccurate, allowing for communities to practice their own set of Minhagim. To that end, a number of minyanim have opened in Eretz Yisroel in which Tefillin is worn on ChH.


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25 Mar 2010 00:50 #1695 by Michael

MPerlman wrote: Because the Sefaradim, who do not don Tefillin on ChH, were the predominant population when Eretz Yisroel began to be resettled in the modern era, all immigrants did not put on Tefillin in shul on ChH. However, many Rabbonim continued to do so in private.

The historical reason Tefillin are not put on in EY is because the Sephardim, Talmidei Hagro and the Chassidim all held not to put on Tefillin. Because of that - all the different groups in EY (the Sephardim who were here, and Talmidei Hagro and Talmidei Habal Shem Tov who came later and opened the Ashkenazi Kehillos) had the Minhag not to put on Tefillin.

MPerlman wrote: Because of the influx of Ashkenazic immigrants over the decades, the adage "Minhag Eretz Yisroel" has become inaccurate, allowing for communities to practice their own set of Minhagim.

That is one of the Shitos, and as mentioned above in Bnei Brak Tefillin is put on in shul because that is the Psak they got. Rav Elyashiv holds that one should not put on Tefillin Befarhesia in EY (and that seems to be what the majority of poskim hold), and we follow his ruling in KAYJ.


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